
Where Is Metamask Data Stored Chromium Linux

Whether information technology be because you doubtable a Chrome extension is malicious, you desire to create a backup of a favorite and discontinued extension, or you lot just want to see how the extension works, knowing how to find and view the files installed by a Chrome extension can be useful.

In this tutorial nosotros are going to provide two methods that you lot can employ to view the files associated with a Chrome extension. The showtime method is to view the actual files installed on your figurer, which is useful if an extension is no longer available on the Chrome Web Store or the shop has a unlike version than the one installed on your estimator.

The second method is to utilise an extension called Chrome extension source viewer that makes information technology very easy to view the source code of an extension directly from the Chrome Web Store.

View the files belonging to an installed Chrome extension

When extensions are installed into Chrome they are extracted into the C:\Users\[login_name]\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Information\Default\Extensions folder. Each extension volition be stored in its own folder named after the ID of the extension.

For example, below is the folder that contains the currently installed Chrome extensions, with each subfolder corresponding to an installed extension.

Extensions Folder
Extensions Folder

To view the contents of an extension, start find its ID, and then open the corresponding folder. When you lot open the folder you will be shown all the images, html, JavaScript files used by the extension.

Files belonging to an extension
Files belonging to an extension

To view the source code of a particular, simply right-click on it and select Open with and open it with the Notepad application. For JS, HTML, and JSON files, you volition now be able to see the source code directly in Notepad.

View source file in Notepad
View source file in Notepad

If you wish to backup the folder that contains the installed extension, merely zip the folder named afterward the extensions ID in theC:\Users\[login_name]\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Information\Default\Extensions folder.

View source code of extension on Chrome Web Shop

If you would like to view the source lawmaking of an extension before y'all install it, then there is a great extension that allows y'all to do so. The Chrome extension source viewer is an extension that allows you to view the source code of any extension that is available from the Chrome Web Store.

Once you install the extension, y'all volition be given a new a right-click context menu option titled "View extension source".


Clicking on this menu choice, volition open the nix file containing the extension and display the contents of the archive as shown below. From this interface y'all tin click on the various files to see their contents.

Extension Source Viewer

When done viewing the contents, you can shut the windows.

This extension also allows you to download the respective Zip file for the extension from the Chrome Web Store by clicking on the Download button. This is specially useful when you want to make an archive of the current version of the extension beingness offered past the Chrome Web Store.

Where Is Metamask Data Stored Chromium Linux,


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