
How To Get Rid Of Squeaky Hair

Hair is squeaky and really hard to make clean in the shower

I've never dyed my hair washed anything to it other than cutting. I've been using the aforementioned routine for months until this started happening. Since then its getting harder and harder to make clean my pilus and I experience similar information technology's always dirty :( Right after shampooing it becomes really hard to launder it off.. I can't exactly describe what my hair feels like in the shower just it'south like it somehow gets more sticky and I can't pass my mitt through it. It also makes this squeaky awful sound. I tried 3 different shampoos with the same result. After the conditioner information technology becames a bit easier just I still tin't clean my scalp well as I don't put conditioner on in that location. And as soon the conditioner is washed off my pilus is dorsum to beingness a squeaky mess. What could the cause be? How can I manage this? I read online that hair beingness squeaky make clean is a good thing but mine is just squeaky and non clean at all lmao I besides employ an hydrating shampoo, hydrating conditioner and hydrating hair mask equally I feel similar my hair is really dry


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